
Naskah drama bahasa jawa 6 orang
Naskah drama bahasa jawa 6 orang

Enjoy your young period, then your dream will come in your life. Munir : Yes, still young have been thought about a far. You want it and others, just enjoy, why ih? You are still young, still a lot of time. Rara : Ah, all of you this always something else. Many thing that must we prepare in the future in order to our dream can be realized. Zahra : That’s right what is Muklis said. Muklis : Yes, certainly, many things that you must do, such as from now you must start arrange your life and personality. Ilham : What is must we do in order to our dream can be reached and it not just a dream? Berikut ini adalah salah satu naskah drama yang di perankan oleh 6 orang dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya: Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris 6 Orang tentang “Ambition” Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris 6 Orang – Ada beberapa drama yang diperankan oleh beberapa orang.

Naskah drama bahasa jawa 6 orang