Yantra is a geometric figure inscribed on a metallic plate or paper and is the confluence of the powers of the concerned God. Tantra means a method to perform a worship in a systemised way. Mantra is a set of particular words in a particular configuration and rhythm by chanting which one can fulfil one's wish. May we lead the whole world on the path to prosperity. May we follow a path, for the welfare of all. || Aaano Bhadra Kratvo Yantu Vishwatah|| i.e.

The only monthly magazine containing an assorted collection of secret and until now unrevealed Indian Spiritual Knowledge for the all round development and progress of human life. Narayan Dutta Shrimali (Swami Nikhileshwaranand Ji परमपूज्य सदगुरुदेव निखिलेश्वरानंद जी) is the supreme authority to listen to the next generation of sadhaka of in gyangunj, there is no doubt.